
The Hôtel Prince Albert Montmartre is located in the Montmartre district of Paris, France. Here’s how to get there and some information about its location and access:

Address: Hôtel Prince Albert Montmartre 116 rue Ordener, 75018 Paris, France

Metro: The most convenient way to get to Hôtel Prince Albert Montmartre is by public transport. You can take the metro to the nearest station, which is “Jules Joffrin” (line 12). From this station, the hotel is a short walk away.

Bus: There are also several bus routes serving the Montmartre area. You can consult the timetables and bus routes to choose the one that suits you best.

By car: If you plan to arrive by car, please note that parking in Paris can be difficult and expensive. It is advisable to enquire about parking options close to the hotel, such as public car parks or parking spaces in nearby streets.

In short, the Hôtel Prince Albert Montmartre is located in the Montmartre district of Paris. You can get there by using the metro (Jules Joffrin station), by taking the bus, or by using other modes of public transport available in Paris. If you plan to use a car, find out about parking options nearby. Remember to check current timetables and routes before you travel, as transport information may change.